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"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6



Sunday school classes are scheduled every Sunday starting at 12:30 pm. We have a very special group of teachers conformed by trained parents to teach your children the word of God at their age level. Our bible centered curriculum is published by Lifeway. It includes games, bible verses memorization, crafts and fellowship.


We strive to have a comprehensive program to help  them grow spiritually with a solid foundation in the Word of God and Christian values. 


More Information contact pastor Margarita Castro 

Welcome Brochure

Our children’s welfare and security is very important to us. We have designed a brochure for parents with recommendations and suggestions so that you may know what is available for you and your children. 

Click on the image on the left. 

To be a part of our church ministries click on the button below to start the application process.

Domingos 1:00 PM Servicio de Alabanza y Adoración
(Traducción Simultánea al Inglés)
Martes 7:00 PM Servicio de Adoración y Estudio Biblico 

@Todos derechos del autor son reservados ninguna parte de esta historia puede ser usado sin permiso escrito. 

Sundays 1:00 PM Worship Service
(Simultaneous translation  available)
Tuesday 7:00 PM Worship and Bible Study 

@ All copyrights are reserved. No part of this story can be used
without written permission.  

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